Sculptra & Radiesse Filler

Collagen Stimulators for Face

skin tightening and contouring

What Are Biostimulators?

Sculptra and Radiesse are both considered biostimulators.

Biostimulator fillers are dermal fillers that stimulate collagen production to naturally improve your skin's texture, tone and overall health.

Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. Collagen decreases with age by about 1.0%-1.5% per year.

Biostimulator fillers help replenish the lost collagen and elastin resulting in healthy, radiant skin.

Potential benefits of biostimulators include:

  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhance skin suppleness
  • Reduce signs of aging
  • Promote collagen production
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volumizing filler
Juvederm services

What Is Sculptra? 

Sculptra helps gradually replace lost collagen.

It is formulated with poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to help restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin to smooth facial wrinkles and improve facial laxity.

Rather than an “overnight” effect, Sculptra is intended to be performed as a series of up to four injection sessions and can achieve results lasting for up to two full years.

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What Is Radiesse? 

Radiesse contains calcium hydroxylapatite, or CaHA. These particles integrate into the skin to create a scaffold, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

This results in the smoothing of lines and the promotion of a renewed skin structure for natural-looking results.

Radiesse results last about 15 months.

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Girl Face , before after

How Long Does Sculptra / Radiesse Take to Work?

For Sculptra and Radiesse, you should be: 

  • Be committed to attending multiple treatment sessions
  • Be patient when waiting for the results to develop
  • Expect long-term but not permanent results

Biostimulators are great for cheeks, temples, jawline, neck & hands

Multiple sessions may be required for optimal results.

Sculptra & Radiesse can also be used for a natural gluteal enhancement. Learn more here

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Girl Face , before after