Your Immunity FAQs Answered

Your Immunity FAQs Answered
Next Health Staff
April 1, 2024

What Does Immunity Mean?

Immunity refers to the body's ability to resist or fight off infections, illnesses, or harmful substances. It encompasses a complex network of cells, organs, and proteins that work together to defend the body against pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. Strong immunity is crucial for overall health, as it helps prevent diseases and maintains the body's equilibrium. Building and supporting immunity involve various factors, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper hygiene practices. Understanding immunity and ways to boost it are essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

What Is Innate Immunity?

Innate immunity, often known as natural or nonspecific immunity, serves as the body's first line of defense against pathogens. It's the immediate, nonspecific response that the body mounts when exposed to harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, or toxins. This immunity is pre-existing and includes physical barriers, such as the skin and mucous membranes, along with various cellular and molecular defenses like white blood cells, inflammation, and antimicrobial proteins. Innate immunity acts rapidly to identify and eliminate pathogens, providing essential protection while the adaptive immune system gears up for a more targeted response.

What Is Adaptive Immunity?

Adaptive immunity, also recognized as acquired or specific immunity, is a tailored defense system developed by the body after encountering specific pathogens. This immune response involves the recognition of distinct antigens from bacteria, viruses, or other foreign substances. Once identified, the immune system forms immunological memory, enabling it to recognize and respond more effectively upon subsequent exposure to the same pathogen. Adaptive immunity consists of T and B lymphocytes, which produce antibodies and specialized cells to target and neutralize specific threats.

What is Active Immunity?

Active immunity refers to the body's immune response generated following exposure to a pathogen or vaccination. It involves the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to encountering a specific antigen. Active immunity can occur naturally when an individual contracts an illness and subsequently develops immunity to that disease. It can also be induced through vaccinations, where a weakened or inactive form of the pathogen triggers the immune system to produce a defense response without causing the disease itself.

What is Natural Immunity?

Natural immunity refers to the body's inherent defense mechanism against diseases and pathogens. It encompasses the immune response that an individual possesses without external intervention, either acquired through exposure to infectious agents or inherited genetic factors. This type of immunity can result from previous infections, providing protection against future occurrences of the same illness. Natural immunity plays a crucial role in safeguarding the body, helping to recognize and combat various pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful substances.

What is Herd Immunity?

Herd immunity, often known as community immunity, is a protective state that occurs when a large portion of a population becomes immune to a specific infectious disease, either through vaccination or previous infections. When enough individuals within a community are immune, the spread of the disease slows down or stops altogether, indirectly safeguarding those who aren't immune. This phenomenon serves as a crucial defense mechanism against contagious diseases, effectively reducing the likelihood of outbreaks and protecting vulnerable individuals who may not be able to receive vaccines.

How to Boost Immunity

Support Nose & Throat Health

Bee Propolis Throat Spray: Contains antioxidant-rich polyphenols that offer antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, providing protection against certain pathogens.

Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray: Research suggests colloidal silver's potential to combat numerous bacteria, fungi, parasites, and molds, suffocating pathogens within minutes of contact.

Prioritize Quality Sleep

Rest is vital for a robust immune system, especially when traveling. Adequate sleep supports overall immune function.

Include Immune-Boosting Foods in Your Diet

  • Vitamin C-Rich Fruits: Incorporate strawberries, oranges, lemons for their immune-supportive properties.
  • Hydrating Options: Watermelon, known for its powerful antioxidant glutathione, can aid immune function.
  • Elderberry: Exhibits antioxidant properties and has shown potential in blocking flu viruses in laboratory studies.

IV Therapy

Consider Next Health's Super Immune IV, a potent blend of immune-enhancing vitamins and minerals, preparing your immune system to combat various pathogens.

Plus, All Next Health IVs include vitamin C in their multivitamin base. Reserve your Super Immune IV for the ultimate immune support.

Maximize Benefits of IV Therapy with Glutathione

Glutathione earned its nickname of the “Master Antioxidant” because it increases the body’s levels of other critical antioxidants. This helps combat cellular damage from poor diet, environmental toxins from city life, lack of sleep from work and travel, chronic stress, inflammation, and more. Continue reading

Key Benefits of Glutathione

Benefits of increasing your glutathione levels may include:

  • Enhance detoxification and removal of toxins
  • Improve mental clarity, creativity, and critical thinking
  • Improve athletic stamina and recovery
  • Support weight maintenance and metabolic health
  • Reduce inflammation for longevity
  • Enhance skin health and reduce signs of aging

Redeem Glutathione IV Add-On Special

Peptide Therapy - Thymosin Alpha-1

Essential for immune cell proliferation, Thymosin Alpha-1 demonstrates immune-boosting properties and potential anti-cancer and longevity benefits.

Made in the thymus, the gland in our body responsible for generating our immune system, Thymosin Alpha-1 is a critical protein messenger that is involved in the proliferation of your T cells (which combat pathogens and viruses). In fact, this peptide is often prescribed to prevent viral, bacterial, and even fungal infections.

Because certain types of T cells fight cancer, Thymosin Alpha-1 has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in some studies. Thymosin Alpha-1 may also combat signs of aging by slowing the age-related deterioration of the immune system and other bodily processes.

Order your 30-day supply here

Further Immune-Boosting Services

Explore advanced immune-boosting services offered at Next Health such as Ozone Therapy.

Ozone Therapy is a whole-body treatment that:

  • Aids in the elimination of toxins, pollutants, and harmful substances from your body
  • Relieving the strain on your liver, kidney, and detox pathways
  • Reducing inflammation for longevity
  • Strengthening immune defenses weakened by toxins and oxidative stress

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Questions? Call or text us at: (310) 295-2075.

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