How To De-Stress Using IV Therapy

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How To De-Stress Using IV Therapy
Next Health Staff
December 6, 2023

Despite the comfort and convenience of the modern world, many people are more stressed than ever before. The effects of stress aren't something you can just ignore; stress causes damage at the cellular level and, given time, can significantly impact the quality of life you experience, as well as your overall bodily health. Chronic stress can cause physical pains and muscle tension, anxiety, depression, and health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Unfortunately, many classic de-stressing techniques don’t work depending on the source of your stress and your lifestyle. While doing yoga to release endorphins, doing breathwork exercises, and doing aromatherapy with lavender candles or jasmine essential oils can be effective stress relievers, these therapies generally take a lot of time to only mildly lower stress, and you may need more help than that.

In that case, IV therapy may be the best choice.

IV therapy can certainly help you de-stress after a long day of work, after a major life change, and more. Not sure how it works or whether Next Health’s Stress IV therapy is right for you? Let’s break down in detail how IV therapy can help you de-stress.

The Origins Of Stress

Why do we become stressed? More importantly, what is stress to the body?

Stress is, at its core, a physiological response that can affect both the body on a physical and mental level. We can become stressed for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Personal or environmental triggers, such as your goals being blocked, having a difficult deadline at work, drinking too much caffeine, or even being stuck in traffic on the way to pick up your kids from school for too long each day.
  • Aggression, whether it’s directed by us toward other people or is being directed toward us by others. Aggression often triggers a fight or flight response that floods the body with adrenaline and other stress hormones, such as cortisol. Stress hormones can break down the body at a cellular level, causing intense inflammation and reducing cellular regeneration.
  • Significant life changes, such as moving, starting a new job, getting married, or getting divorced. Big life changes disrupt our mental and physical routines and throw our bodies for a loop.
  • Conflict, either physical or mental/emotional, can also trigger a fight or flight response and lead to intense levels of the stress hormone cortisol flooding the bloodstream.

Stress hormones are adaptive responses in our nervous system that our bodies produce to give us energy, aggression, or otherwise help us escape potential threats or dangerous situations. But in the modern world, stress usually just feels uncomfortable and can lower our everyday physical and mental health.

How Stress Affects The Body

At its core, stress tears the body apart and gradually diminishes its ability to:

  • Regenerate cellular damage from daily wear and tear. People who are under a lot of stress have weakened immune systems, making them more susceptible to disease, and may even recover from injuries more slowly. It’s also harder for people who are stressed out to have good mental health.
  • Maintain wellness. People who are stressed out are more likely to experience symptoms that compromise their quality of life such as acne outbreaks, stomachaches, headaches, insomnia, increased heart rate, and other secondary symptoms.

Overall, stress is never a good thing, and it’s always wise to take steps to limit stress in your everyday life.

There are a variety of ways you can limit or alleviate stress, including:

  • Exercising frequently. Physical movement helps to burn away cortisol and other stress hormones in the blood, as well as replace those hormones with endorphins: neurochemicals that produce a "feel good" effect that boosts your mood.
  • Eating a healthy diet, which informs the gut microbiome and helps your body be healthier overall, boosts serotonin levels, and gives you more energy.
  • Practicing mindfulness and other mental meditation techniques. Mental health is just as important as physical health, if not more so. Practicing aromatherapy using calming scents like chamomile, visualizations of positive imagery, and deep breathing relaxation techniques are all helpful tricks to promote calmness in your body and mind.

But these de-stressing techniques are only effective for some individuals. Furthermore, they may not fully alleviate stress depending on its source.

In some cases, stress comes from chemical or mineral imbalances in the body. For instance, maybe your body doesn’t have enough magnesium. A magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle soreness, frustration, or even other signs of stress.

In these cases, IV therapy sessions can help lower or eliminate stress.

What Is IV Therapy?

IV therapy is a revolutionary new wellness technique that involves introducing special blends of nutrients and minerals into the body via intravenous methods for a quick relaxation response. It can be helpful to drink a supplement blend or a cup of juice, for instance. But when you consume substances orally, it takes your body a long time to absorb those vitamins and minerals.

Furthermore, the digestive system usually eliminates some of the vital nutrients your body needs for overall wellness and de-stressing. Intravenous therapy does not have these same drawbacks.

How Does IV Therapy Work?

At Next Health, IV therapy is simple. You sign up for an appointment, visit a clinic, and then a licensed registered nurse helps recommend the best IV therapy blend for you. Next|Health offers a variety of different IV therapy blends. For example, our Stress IV blend contains a specially designed mixture of vitamins and nutrients, as well as hydrating fluids like electrolytes.

All of these micronutrients are mixed in a single blend placed in a pouch. When you sign up for one of our IV therapy sessions, you’ll take a seat in our state-of-the-art, vibrant IV therapy lounge. The comfortable massage chairs will help your body to relax as one of our registered nurses hooks you up to the IV of your choice.

Then you just sit back, relax, and wait for the IV drip to do its work. IV therapy appointments at Next Health aren’t very long and only take between 30 and 45 minutes. Each therapy session is conducted on-site at our New York, Los Angeles, or Maui locations, or we can send someone to your home if you live within the LA or NYC metropolitan areas.

Either way, IV therapy introduces vitamins and nutrients into your body quickly and easily. Since the nutrient blend is introduced directly into the bloodstream, it takes just minutes for your body to start feeling the effects.

If you have a magnesium deficiency, as in the example above, IV therapy helps to enhance your overall absorption. Thus, IV therapy is an excellent choice to encourage your body's ability to destress.  

How Can IV Therapy Assist With De-Stressing The Body?

Why choose IV therapy instead of the other de-stressing techniques mentioned earlier?

In part, it’s because IV therapy is quick and effective. Whether you need IV therapy to deal with a hangover, to boost your immune system, or to de-stress your bodily systems, IV therapy rapidly introduces nutrients and vitamins into your bloodstream thanks to its intravenous method of delivery.

You don’t need to wait for several hours for a pill or a healthy meal to fully be digested and absorbed by your stomach and intestines. As a result, you can give your body what it needs now and get back to your busy schedule without having to make major changes in your lifestyle or routine.

IV therapy is also helpful because it's comparatively easier to stick with instead of making drastic changes to your diet or exercise routine. For busy professionals that have a lot of stress-related to their jobs or their work/life balance, IV therapy is one of the best ways to eliminate stress and ensure their bodies have everything they need to maintain adequate energy and overall wellness.

Does IV Therapy Help With All Stress?

No. IV therapy is only helpful for improving your body’s general wellness and fixing any mineral or vitamin imbalances that might exist. Consequently, if your stress is primarily caused because of your work, family situation, or other factors, IV therapy can help you manage these stressors but you may also need to undertake different lifestyle changes to alleviate your stress levels.

However, IV therapy can be used with other stress relief techniques, like those mentioned above. Pair IV therapy with regular exercise, a good diet, and routine of 7-8 hours of sleep, and you’ll be healthier than ever.

Next Health’s Stress IV Therapy

We offer a dedicated Stress IV therapy for those who visit our clinics. The Stress IV includes a specialized blend of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, all mixed within a hydrating fluid. The resulting IV blend will quickly nourish and fuel your body for any upcoming challenges.

At the same time, it’ll alleviate free radical molecular damage throughout the body thanks to the inclusion of several antioxidants. Our Stress IV can also reduce help to reduce inflammation, which may reduce some of the symptoms associated with physical stress.


All in all, IV therapy is one of the best ways to de-stress the body and ensure it has everything it needs to regenerate from regular struggles and challenges in just one short appointment.

Contact us today about our IV therapy options. You can speak to one of our wellness specialists to get more information and potentially schedule an appointment.


NIMH » 5 Things You Should Know About Stress | National Institute of Mental Health

”Stress effects on the body.” | American Psychological Association

Routes of Administration | University of Northern Iowa

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