Men’s Hormonal Health: The Importance Of Testosterone & More

Learn about men's hormonal health and the significance of testosterone at Next Health. Discover how hormone optimization can improve vitality. Read now!

Men’s Hormonal Health: The Importance Of Testosterone & More
Next Health Staff
December 6, 2023

When we think of our health, we are typically only concerned with the status of our vital organs like the heart, brain, lungs, and so on. However, our health is influenced by so much more than that as some of the smallest cellular functions are most critical to our overall feeling of wellness.

Hormones are small chemical messengers that rarely receive the attention they deserve when it comes to our health.  These messenger cells are responsible for relaying critical information all throughout the body. They send signals regarding hunger, libido, sleep, and more.

Unfortunately, starting around the age of 30, our hormone levels begin to decline and continue to do so as we age. Interestingly, many of the stereotypical signs of aging are often attributed to a decrease in hormone production.

Sluggishness, lower energy levels, hair loss, low libido, poor quality sleep, and more are all signs of hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms such as these do not have to be “part of your aging process.” In considering the importance of hormone levels, we outline the ways to take a holistic approach to balancing your hormones to feel fit at any age.

Why Are Hormones Important?

When it comes to men’s health, the hormone testosterone is especially critical as it influences muscle building, endurance, fat regulation, cellular regeneration, mental health, sex drive, and notably, heart health.

In fact, research suggests that gender-specific hormones such as testosterone play a crucial part in cardiovascular wellness. One study found that low testosterone levels were associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries, which is linked with a higher susceptibility to strokes and heart problems. Conversely, those in the study with higher levels of testosterone were at a lower risk of developing cardiovascular issues.

This is supported by the 2002 Rotterdam Study, which included over 1,000 participants and concluded that men over the age of 55 who maintained appropriate testosterone levels had a 60% lower chance of developing coronary artery disease.

Findings such as these demonstrate the true value of hormonal health and why it is important to consider your hormone levels.  

Signs You May Have A Hormonal Imbalance

Because hormones are responsible for a wide range of bodily functions, there are a variety of symptoms that can result from a hormonal imbalance.

Below are some of the most common signs that a hormonal imbalance is occurring in male patients:

  • Decreased energy
  • Decreased stamina
  • Joint pain
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Low libido
  • Poor cognitive function
  • Brain fog
  • Breast development
  • And more

If you experience any of the symptoms above it may be time to get your hormone levels tested. Many are hesitant to do so as 40% of men only go to the doctor if they believe they have a serious medical condition. However, testing your biomarkers empowers you to take the guesswork out of your health optimization journey with Next Health’s biomarker lab tests and at-home wellness test kits . You can even test from the comfort of your home with the Next Health Hormone Panel. This test is a standard 4-point saliva collection to complement neurotransmitter or urinary hormone testing (including cortisol). You can then review your results with a medical provider.

Optimizing Your Hormones

Thankfully, there are a variety of ways to improve your hormone levels, which we share with you below:

Consider Your Lifestyle Factors:

Limit your toxin exposure: Although we live in an endocrine-disrupting society, there are ways to limit your exposure to hormone disruptors. Suggestions include:

  • Avoid cooking with non-stick pans and keeping your food in plastic containers
  • Minimize your use of fragrances and air fresheners (including cologne and body sprays that are made with chemicals and non-natural ingredients)
  • Avoid drinking and eating from cans
  • Filter your drinking and shower water
  • Swap dryer sheets for wool dryer balls

Exercise | Movement regularly: Exercise is excellent for endocrine health as it can help balance essential hormones such as cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, and more.

Prioritize sleep: Sleep is critical for hormonal health as it helps regulate hormones such as cortisol, the stress hormone, which modulates other hormones in the body. In fact, neuroscientist and author of Why We Sleep: The Power of the Mind and Dreams, Dr. Matthew Walker states that men who get an average of five to six hours of sleep per night will experience such a drop in their testosterone levels that they will have the same levels as men ten years their senior.

Limit stress: Relaxation is vital to your overall health and well-being. Stress exacerbates nearly every health problem, including hormonal imbalances. Taking time out of your day to recharge is an incredibly valuable tool in your health optimization journey.  On a biological level, stress is chemical response in the body and mind that requires you to change your “state” to be alert for survival. The body then elicits the counter chemical response to effectively complete a “stress” cycle. Once the cycle is complete, stress has been managed effectively, and the body returns to its “normal” resting state. The problem lies within our modern-day, busy lives as the stress response can be chronic, never fully allowing you to complete a stress cycle and return to a state of normalcy. That is why it is critical to block out time in your day to rebalance and recalibrate from chronic stress.

Consider supplementation: Detoxing is one of the best ways to promote healthy hormone levels as a buildup of toxins and cellular waste can disrupt your endocrine system. DIM Detox can help support natural detoxification as it helps promote liver health, phase II detoxification pathways, and healthy cell metabolism. This supplement is a perfected blend of all-natural ingredients such as broccoli sprout that can help boost your overall wellness.

At Next Health, we understand that such lifestyle changes can be difficult. That is why our medical concierge team and wellness experts are always happy to answer any questions, provide educational information, and help adjust your personalized health optimization plan to your unique needs. Start your plan today, by first measuring your biomarkers, so you can take a data-driven, informed approach to supplementation and optimal health.  

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy May Be Your Answer

Hormone therapy may be what your health optimization journey has been missing as many of the negative symptoms associated with decreased hormone levels (weight gain, irritability, decreased libido, decreased energy, thinning hair, and changes in skin) can be relieved by restoring these hormones.

Next Health’s Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy utilizes bio-identical hormones that are derived from yams and are “molecularly identical” to the body’s own hormones, so the body does not recognize them as foreign. This can naturally improve your body’s hormone levels, enhancing how you look and feel.

Patients have found that Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy with pellet implants is extremely effective. The pellets are approximately the size of a tic-tac, and depending on your required dose, we will determine how many pellets need to be inserted. Implants are placed under the skin, with local anesthetic, and consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones that provide optimal therapy.

Once the pellets are inserted, hormones are released based on cardiac output, meaning your body controls how quickly the hormones are released to maintain optimal hormone levels.​

Based on the majority of our female patients, they are pelleted once every 3-4 months. Based on the majority of our male patients, they are pelleted once every 4-5 months.

Next Health also offers Bio-Identical Hormone Injections for those who are interested.

Enhancing Your Health With Optimal Hormone Levels

Hormonal health is integral to your overall wellness, which is why Next Health aims to give you the tools you need to resolve any imbalances.

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy can help combat and even reverse signs of aging. The future of wellness is regenerative with cutting-edge services such as these that can help take your health to the next level.

To learn more about Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy or to book an appointment, call or text us at: 310-295-2075


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