Next Health

Executive Physical in Century City

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Understanding health is a lifelong commitment. But standard physicals oftentimes don’t provide enough information or don’t provide accurate information to reach your wellness objectives. If you want to become and stay healthy for years in the future, you need Next Health’s Executive Physical at Century City.

The Executive Physical is a detailed, fully comprehensive review of your health from top to bottom. It includes in-depth tests, personalized reviews of biometric data, and more. With the Executive Physical, you’ll learn how your body ticks and how to maximize its performance for long-term results.


Next Health’s Executive Physical Explained

The Next Health Executive Physical is more than just a basic biometric test. In fact, it’s a series of comprehensive examinations, including MRI scans, thorough biometric tests, and in-depth reviews with our staff members. By the end, you’ll have a much more holistic understanding of your health and biological needs than ever before.

The Executive Physical at Next Health Century City is meant to be the starting point for a health optimization plan you can commit to for years to come. It provides you with the information you need to form the perfect diet, start the right exercise routine, or pursue the ideal therapies to alleviate chronic conditions or maximize wellness.

Best of all, the Executive Physical leverages Next Health Century City's state-of-the-art technology and modern scanning principles to ensure accurate health information.


How Does the Executive Physical Work?

The Executive Physical at Next Health Century City includes several tests and diagnostic services that occur throughout three stages.


Collect Bio Data

Firstly, Next Health’s Century City staff members perform the key tests of the Executive Testing suite. These include diagnostic tests to measure and identify biomarkers and biometrics.

  • The Total Wellness Package, a bloodwork panel that analyzes over 500 biomarkers: Total Baseline, Food Sensitivity Test, Genetic Test, Wheat Zoomer (Gut Health Test)
  • TrueAge Epigenetic Test
  • The CT Calcium Score, a preventative risk assessment that analyzes the potential for a heart attack.
  • The Grail Cancer Test, which is an early cancer detection screen. It can detect more than 50 unique cancer types overall.
  • A full-body MRI and chest CT. These scans can detect early signs of cancer, detect abnormalities within your bodily systems, and screen you for common diseases.
  • A complete medical and physical wellness plan, which includes a physical exam and InBody Scan to understand your wellness status and biometrics better

Note that these tests are non or minimally invasive, and your comfort is guaranteed at every test or exam. Our Century City staff members prioritize your mental and physical comfort throughout the process.


Personalized Review

Once testing is complete, Next Health Century City’s staff members will sit down with you on the same day or over the coming weeks to analyze your results. All tests are overviewed as results come in, so your full review may take several weeks in total.

Our knowledgeable wellness staff members will point out areas of concern detected by the tests throughout this process. They’ll also help you identify areas where you can make long-lasting, impactful changes in your wellness efforts or lifestyle.

If one of the tests discovers a health condition or disease, our staff members can refer you to the right physician in the area for treatment and further analysis.


Health Routine Recommendations

After the Executive Physical tests are reviewed, our staff members can help you develop an individualized health plan. This plan will be uniquely tailored for your wellness goals and will take all of the discovered information into account.

Our staff members may recommend additional health optimization services ranging from cryotherapy to IV drip therapy and more, depending on your needs. Next Health’s Century City location has all these services and more.

If you’re not sure which optimization services are right for you, our staff members can break down:

  • What each includes
  • How long each optimization service takes
  • The benefits you can expect from every wellness procedure

Executive Physical

Bodies change over time, so your Executive Physical test results may not stay relevant. Fortunately, you can sign up for the Executive Physical, an annual program that includes a yearly Executive Physical test suite.

The Executive Physical is the beginning of long-term health optimization in many ways. Through Next Health’s and other health optimization services, you’ll be well equipped to see major improvements in your health across the board.

Get Your Executive Physical Today

The Next Health Executive Physical is the ideal way to track your health and make the right choices for your needs. Signing up for your first Executive Physical is simpler than ever. Simply contact Next Health Century City today to sign up for an Executive Physical, join the Executive Physical, or get more information.


Cardiac CT Calcium Score | Johns Hopkins Medical Imaging

What are Biomarkers? - PMC | NCBI

The Galleri multi-cancer blood test: What you need to know | Cancer Reserach UK